Maxine and Bob at Butchart Garden
My cousin Liz, my mom, my cousin Woody, and me in the back.The picture was taken at my mom's house in September of 2003.
Maxine's neice, Barbara, Maxine, and Rob (Barbara's husband) visiting. in Victoria
My daughter, Leanne, and her husband, Steve, on their wedding day in Maui
One of my favorite pictures of Maxine taken last spring.
Here is my mom, my son, Brad, and my daughter-in-law, Tanya. On Nana's lap is grandson Joshua; on his dad's lap is grandson Benjamin. This was taken at Mother's house, Christmas 2003.
Nana is still holding Josh, and my daughter, Leanne, is holding Ben.
The day after Leanne and Steve hosted a party to celebrate their wedding, Steve (a pilot for Fed-Ex) took Brad, Ben and me for a little ride in a single engine plane. Yes, for those of you who know my hesitations about flying, I did indeed go along. How is that for placing a great deal of trust in my new son-in-law? Here is Ben at the controls-----after we had safely landed, of course.